Saturday 19 January 2013

Blog FAQs

Heyo, everyone! :)

Why chimichon?
I have a friend who suddenly called me different versions of my name, thus Chimi. Well yeah, Chimi - Demi and Chon - Dawn.

Why Blogger?
I've had a Blogger account/blogs since like forever. This one's new though since I just decided this year to commit to blogging and I needed a blog which didn't already have really personal posts.

Who inspired you to blog?
My blogs have just been some sort of online diary for me, until recently that I came about Zoella in YouTube, read her blog, and decided to give this a try. I'm also inspired by other Youtubers who do vlogs (JennaMarbles, Bubzbeauty, Erin, Zoella, Beckie0, Meredith, Alfie, among many amazing others). And since I'm not that confident yet, I'll stick to blogging this time. :)

Header, background, template?
Header: Those were just random webcam photos that I put together via PicMonkey.
Background: Shot taken by a friend, Banawe Corvera, earlier this month. ^_^
Template: Travel template provided by Blogger (see footer). I just played around with the fonts and colors. :D

What camera do you use?
I use my mum's old Sony W510 (in silver).

*This post will be updated once in a while to answer all of your blog/blogging FAQs.

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