Wednesday 24 July 2013

Review: Wraps

Enticed yet?

This, ladies and gentlemen, is the Grilled Chicken Wrap brought to us by a student enterprise from the University of San Carlos called Wraps.

I was intrigued by their neat stall so I decided to check it out.

It turned out to be one of the best decisions I made, because these wraps are heaven!

Made up of sumptuous grilled chicken, a variety of vegetables, plus (will you believe this?) mangoes (!!) all wrapped in a soft yet crunchy tortilla wrap, these babies will surely make you come back for more.

I actually forgot the price of one grilled chicken wrap since I always order their combo, which is one order of the wrap plus a large iced tea. All that yummy AND healthy goodness only for P75. :D

Besides their iced tea, they also have Four Seasons as well as Mountain Dew and Mug Root beer.

Keep up the good work, people from Wraps!
Perhaps a bigger version of your original grilled chicken wrap or more varieties in the near future? Methinks. ;D

So what are you waiting for? Visit them at the University of San Carlos - Downtown Campus, under Kolk's Nook. They are open from Monday to Friday, 9am - 6pm.

Fun (weird?) fact:
I collect the Wraps sticker that comes with the chicken wrap whenever I order one, just because. Not much of a fangirl, no not really. :)))

P.S. I am in no way affiliated with this enterprise. I'm just an avid fan, really. :)

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