Wednesday 20 February 2013

No Makeup Day ^-^

In response to my post in Icecreamoholicities, I present this picture. :D

with my good friend, Danielle Iris :)
This was taken earlier today in Jollibee near our school.

Well, I didn't exactly have no makeup at all. I only had time to put on moisturizer and BB cream this morning, and then I was off. This was only the second time I wore VERY minimal (almost none) makeup going to school. Surprisingly, it didn't feel as weird as the first time.

Must be this person, eh? :D
Iris is a naturally beautiful girl inside and out. And when I'm with her, I feel no pressure to put on all those face glob whatnot.

Cheers to natural beauty! ;*


Disclaimer: Photo is by Iris. Taken with an iPhone.

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