Today I am going to do the Perfect Imperfections Tag. This is actually a vlog-type tag done in YouTube, but I decided to do it here instead.
Apparently, this tag was started by Andrea (AndreasChoice) on YouTube.
Some more Perfect Imperfections videos: Jen (frmheadtotoe) | Tiffy (vaniitydoll) | Lindy aka Bubz (bubzbeauty)
In this tag, you're supposed to state three things that you don't like about yourself and three things you like about yourself. I think though this is more on the physical aspects because the videos I watched with this tag usually discuss that.
Alright, let's start.
3 imperfections
1. Let's start from the top. The hair. A woman's crowning glory. Well, in my case, it's not so glorious.
I don't know if it's obvious in the pictures, but my issue with my hair is that it's dry and kind of frizzy. I have really thick hair so having it dry makes it go everywhere. Notice in the second picture there are strands flying here and there in the sides and on the top part as well. I know there are moisturizing hair stuff but I don't think they'll work, well at least not yet, since I get exposed to much, much pollution everyday, and I think that is what makes my hair really unmanageable. It frustrates me sometimes that I look okay but then my messy hair makes things look bad.
2. The little thingies under my eye. Haha. I dunno how to explain.
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^ the little bumps under this eye |
That's because I do not know exactly what they are or what caused them to be there. I have not gone to a dermatologist about this because my mum says it's nothing to be alarmed about, so I leave it be. But, of course, you already probably know why this is such a bother. And they're noticeable because I wear glasses! (Those are my old frames shown in the pic, by the way.) People I meet sometimes point that out and I just shrug off the question. T_T
3. My fingernails. Well not all of them. Just two, actually.
pinky, ring finger, middle finger, pointer |
a closer look (pardon the uncut nails) |
This is the first time I'll talk about this topic in public, so please be kind. T_T
At first, it was just the ring finger. I don't know exactly when it happened but I just suddenly noticed that the cuticles were sort of being pushed back (you can see the difference, compared to my other normal nails) and the nail was kind of jagged. It was just that; didn't make much of a difference at all; didn't bother me too much; but then later on, it started on my middle finger. This was when things happened quite fast. In addition to the cuticles also being pushed back, the skin near the nail was peeling, and it was peeling layer after layer I actually thought it was going to bleed. The nail became so jagged and thin I also thought it would run out. By this time, the skin near the nail on my ring finger was also starting to peel. I was alarmed by this, so I asked my aunt (doctor). She told me my fingers got infected, but she failed to tell me a probable cause. She just gave an ointment/cream to help heal it.
The pictures are of my fingernails' current state. As you can see, the skin is not peeling anymore, but when I forget to put on the cream for a long duration or when I do the laundry (without laundry gloves), it gets sore, sometimes it wounds, and sometimes it peels. So I have to be careful. As for the nails itself, I know it still looks bad, but this is actually much better now than how it was back before I started the treatment. Also, I always make it to a point to paint my nails to somehow subdue the whole thing going on there. Haha.
Again, it is obvious why I chose this as one of my imperfections. I often cover this hand (my right) with my left hand so that, as much as possible, people don't see this, because they might not understand and they might think that it's contagious. But really, it's not.
3 'perfections'
1. Let's go back to the top. My eyes.
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pardon the unruliness in this photo T_T |
So this is the closest to a clear-enough photo of my eyes with less makeup. I like my eyes because of its shape (I think it's perfect), my eye color (it's actually just medium-brown), and because this is one thing that I have in common with my mum and my sister. ^_^
'Nuff said.
2. Here comes weird -- my feet. I'm not about to put a photo of them here 'cause that'll make it even weirder. But anyway, I like them because, although they're on the "veiny" side, I think it's awesome that they look good in every pair of shoes (not to boast or anything). Also, they're one part of my body that don't become dark/tan even when I go out under the sun too much. Haha! Weird alert again. :p
3. Had trouble thinking of a third one, because I had more imperfections in mind than this. Hmmm....
(after 3 days...)
I think I'll go with my complexion. I like being fair, but at the same time, I'm not too fair in a way that looks fake. 'Cause you see, here in the Philippines, being beautiful is often equated to being fair, and in the US (or probably just some parts), they like tan skin. I guess you can say I'm in between and I think that's a good place to be. :)
To conclude, I'd like to say that being the greatest critic of ourselves that we are, we could probably think of more imperfections. I personally had trouble choosing just three because I had so much in mind! But I also realized that most, if not all, of my imperfections I've already learned to live with and to accept as a part of me. As the tag implies, it's the imperfections that make us who we are -- perfect, no matter what.
I had fun making this tag and I hope you enjoyed reading it as well. Go do this tag too, and you never know what you might discover about yourself.
Till next time,
demidawn ^_^
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